Published 11 January, 2023

How to Find IDs: Species, Leaders, Empires, Ships & Pops

Use these in commands!

If you're looking to use a Stellaris command that makes changes to a species, leader, empire, ship or population, it probably requires an "ID" of the entity you're looking to apply changes to. Thankfully, it's quite easy to find these IDs.

In order to use commands (and consequently find IDs), you need to know how to open the console. If you don't know how to open or use the console, read our guide on how to open and use the console in Stellaris before continuing.

Species IDs

To find a species ID, open the console and run the the following command (this enables debug tooltips):


Then, head to the species menu and hover over the species you wish to view the ID of. The ID will be shown in the tooltip:

Species ID in Stellaris tooltip

Leader IDs

To find a leader ID, open the console and run the the following command (this enables debug tooltips):


Now, head to the leaders menu and hover over a leader. The ID of the leader will be shown in the tooltip:

Leader ID in Stellaris tooltip

Empire IDs

To find an empire ID, open the console and run the the following command (this enables debug tooltips):


Then, head to the contacts menu and hover over the empire you wish to view the ID of. The empire ID will be shown in the tooltip as highlighted below:

Empire ID in Stellaris tooltip

Ship IDs

To find a ship ID, open the console and run the the following command (this enables debug tooltips):


With debug tooltips now enabled, head to the fleet window and hover over the ship you wish to find the ID of. It will be shown in the tooltip, as is highlighted in the below screenshot:

Ship ID in Stellaris tooltip

Population IDs

To find a population ID, open the console and run the the following command (this enables debug tooltips):


Then, head to the population tab for the planet that the population you wish to find the ID of belongs to. Under the jobs menu, find the population and hover over it. The population ID will be shown in the tooltip:

Population ID in Stellaris tooltip

Stellaris Console Commands

Use our complete, up-to-date database of all Stellaris cheats to find help and examples for any command.

All Stellaris Commands

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