Stellaris Event ID List
A searchable list of all event codes from Stellaris.
Enter the name of an event to filter the entries in the table. Use the "Table View" and "Card View" buttons to change the way the codes are displayed.
event Command Help
<Event ID>
<Empire ID>
This command starts the event with the specified ID in the specified empire.
More HelpName | Event |
The League of Non-Aligned Powers | war_in_heaven.22
League Membership Refused | war_in_heaven.21
League Membership Accepted | war_in_heaven.20
The League of Non-Aligned Powers | war_in_heaven.19
The Fall of the Awakened | war_in_heaven.18
War with the Awakened | war_in_heaven.16
League Membership Request | war_in_heaven.15
The League of Non-Aligned Powers | war_in_heaven.13
Awakened Empire Defeated | war_in_heaven.11
The End of the War in Heaven | war_in_heaven.6
The End of the War in Heaven | war_in_heaven.5
The War in Heaven | war_in_heaven.4
Ancient Rivals | war_in_heaven.2
Lost and Forgotten | uplift.7525
Fidgeting | uplift.7520
In Vivo | uplift.7510
Forked Chain | uplift.7500
Familial Fission | uplift.7215
Stranger Danger | uplift.7210
Conscientious Objectors | uplift.7205
Looking Inwards | uplift.7200
A Rocky Start | uplift.7010
Lift Up, Follow Up | uplift.7000
Uplift Successful | uplift.6091
Uplift Successful | uplift.6081
Uplift Successful | uplift.6071
Uplift Successful | uplift.6061
Uplift Successful | uplift.6051
Uplift Successful | uplift.6041
Uplift Successful | uplift.6031
Uplift Successful | uplift.6021
Uplift Successful | uplift.6011
Snakeoids Uplifted | uplift.6001
Crawling, on the Planet's Face | uplift.6090
Pre-Sapient Species Found | uplift.6080
Shifting Sands | uplift.6070
A Species of Ice and Ice | uplift.6060
Frozen Wastes | uplift.6050
Welcome to the Jungle | uplift.6040
Terra Firma | uplift.6030
Upliftable Species Found | uplift.6020
To Rise Above the Waters | uplift.6010
Serpentine | uplift.6000
The Annexation of [rebel_planet.GetName] | unrest.4220
??RUnrest??!: Revolt on [Root.Target.GetName]! | unrest.4200
??RUnrest??!: [From.GetAdj] Interference | unrest.4060
??RUnrest??!: Organized Resistance | unrest.4000
??RUnrest??!: Keeping the Peace | unrest.110
??RUnrest??!: Severe Terror | unrest.105
??RUnrest??!: Terror | unrest.101
Order Restored on [Root.GetName] | unrest.4300
??RUnrest??!: Radicalization | unrest.150
??RUnrest??!: This Too Shall Pass | unrest.145
??RUnrest??!: A Sense of Community | unrest.140
??RUnrest??!: All Together | unrest.135
??RUnrest??!: Grounded | unrest.130
??RUnrest??!: The Other | unrest.125
??RUnrest??!: On Good Authority | unrest.120
??RUnrest??!: Hallowed | unrest.115
Revolt Brewing on [Root.GetName] | unrest.55
Conducting First Contact | tutorial.2000
Colony Established | tutorial.27
Blocker Cleared | tutorial.16
Building Constructed | tutorial.14
Starbase Established | tutorial.76
Strategic Resource Extracted | tutorial.56
Tutorial: Strategic Resources | tutorial.55
Secrets at the Doorstep | tutorial.52
Tutorial: Observation Posts | tutorial.50
Colony Ship Built | tutorial.25
Science Ship Built | tutorial.21
Research Station Built | tutorial.12
Mining Station Built | tutorial.10
Construction Ship Built | tutorial.8
System Surveyed | tutorial.2
Hyper Relays | tutorial.2131
Hyper Relays | tutorial.2130
Quantum Catapult | tutorial.2126
Quantum Catapult | tutorial.2125
Orbital Rings | tutorial.2121
Orbital Rings | tutorial.2120
Tutorial: Megastructures | tutorial.2115
Tutorial: Mercenary Enclave | tutorial.2111
Enclave Diplomacy | tutorial.2105
Enclave Diplomacy | tutorial.2100
Assigning Assets | tutorial.2010
First Contact Established | tutorial.2007
First Contact Established | tutorial.2006
Minor Artifacts | tutorial.1337
Full Tutorial | tutorial.102
Tips Only | tutorial.101
Tutorial Disabled | tutorial.100
Tutorial: Starbases | tutorial.75
Tutorial Reminder: Uplift | tutorial.73
Tutorial: Hyperspace Travel | tutorial.71
Species Modified | tutorial.65
Tutorial: Modify Species | tutorial.64
First Contact... Made? | tutorial.63
First Contact Made | tutorial.61
Tutorial: First Contact | tutorial.59
Pre-Sapients Uplifted | tutorial.58
Tutorial: Uplift | tutorial.57
Observation Post Built | tutorial.51
Ship Designed | tutorial.49
Tutorial: Ship Design | tutorial.48
Sector Governor Assigned | tutorial.47
Tutorial: Sector Governor | tutorial.46
Sector Established | tutorial.45
Tutorial: Establish Sector | tutorial.44
Navy Size Increased | tutorial.43
Tutorial: Increase the Fleet | tutorial.39
Resource Production Obtained | tutorial.38
Tutorial: Resource Production | tutorial.33
Tutorial: Establish Colony | tutorial.26
Tutorial: Build Colony Ship | tutorial.24
Scientist Recruited | tutorial.23
Tutorial: Recruit Scientist | tutorial.22
Tutorial: Science Ship | tutorial.20
Systems Surveyed | tutorial.19
Tutorial: Survey Systems | tutorial.17
Tutorial: Blocked Features | tutorial.15
Tutorial: Planetary Districts and Buildings | tutorial.13
Tutorial: Research Station | tutorial.11
Tutorial: Mining Station | tutorial.9
Tutorial: Construction Ship | tutorial.7
Technologies Researched | tutorial.6
Tutorial: Technologies | tutorial.3
Tutorial: Surveying | tutorial.1
Mistranslations | terra.105
The Armory | terra.100
Bringing the Past to Light | terra.95
Weapons Cache | terra.90
A Radiating Reception | terra.85
Radioactive Flora | terra.80
Paradise is a Place on [From.GetName] | terra.75
Unexpected Mutations | terra.70
A Helpful Blemish | terra.65
Unearthed Primitives | terra.60
Perfect Organization | terra.55
Oneness | terra.50
Excess to Success | terra.45
A Planetary Gambit | terra.40
[Root.GetHomeWorldName] II | terra.35
Terraforming Complications | terra.25
Engineered Beauty | terra.20
Superfluous Terraforming Equipment | terra.15
Learning From Mistakes | terra.30
Ancient Mineral Processing Hub | story.330
Crystal Ball | story.220
Void Unclouded | story.405
Surveyor Activated | story.335
Mining Drone Base Destroyed | story.332
Mining Drone Work Ethic | story.305
Crystal Shattered | story.222
Crystals Pacified | story.207
Crystalline Entities Are Unbreakable | story.205
Amoebas Pacified | story.107
Space Amoebas Forever | story.105
Contact Report: Leviathan | story.8
Contact Report: Enigmatic Spacefarers | story.7
Contact Report: Primitives | story.6
Contact Report: Remnants | story.5
Contact Report: Pre-Sapient Beings | story.4
Contact Report: Planetary Animalia | story.3
Contact Report: Deep Space Dwellers | story.2
Contact Report: Simple Forms of Life | story.1
[rebel_country.GetName] | unrest.168
[revolt_planet.Planet.GetName] Lost | unrest.167
Revolt Suppressed | unrest.161
Slaves Pacified | unrest.165
Slave Labor Discontinued | unrest.163
??RUnrest??!: Slave Revolt on [revolt_planet.Planet.GetName] | unrest.160
??RUnrest??!: Slave Riots on [revolt_planet.GetName] | unrest.157
??RUnrest??!: Hunger Strike on [Root.GetName] | unrest.159
??RUnrest??!: Sabotage on [Root.GetName] | unrest.156
??RUnrest??!: Slaves Rally on [revolt_planet.GetName] | unrest.155
Out of the Transport Ship, Into the Burning Plasma | situation.1135
Older Codes | situation.1130
Transverse Orientation | situation.1125
Parasites Found | situation.1160
Great Chill | situation.1150
Solar Energy Wanes | situation.1145
Successful Infestation | situation.1140
Time Out Of Joint | situation.592
Time Out Of Joint | situation.591
Free Fall | situation.501
Colony Lost! | situation.190
[Target.GetName] Extinguished | situation.1170
The Last Spark | situation.1120
[Target.GetName] Cleaned | situation.1115
Disastrous Drainage | situation.1110
Escape Fortress | situation.1100
Horrific Premonition | situation.1080
The Leaking Sack | situation.1075
The Densest of Metals | situation.1070
Perpetual Pursuit of the Plume | situation.1065
Regenerating Flagella | situation.1060
Power Surge | situation.1055
Overseer | situation.1050
Destabilized Fang | situation.1045
[This.GetLeviathanParadeName] | situation.1005
[This.GetLeviathanTargetName] | situation.1000
After The Storm | situation.294
After The Storm | situation.293
After The Storm | situation.292
Reboot | situation.291
CRITICAL DAMAGE | situation.290
Upgrade | situation.253
Downgrade | situation.252
Wiped Drives | situation.251
Missing Units | situation.250
Miscalculations | situation.216
Miscalculations | situation.215
Manufacturing Defects | situation.213
Malfunctioning Drones | situation.210
Who Watches The Watchers? | situation.203
Back From Black | situation.597
Back From Black | situation.596
Event Horizon | situation.590
Point Of No Return | situation.580
The Penrose Result | situation.542
The Penrose Result | situation.541
The Penrose Process | situation.540
Dark Discoveries | situation.530
Closer Than We Thought | situation.520
Regaining Control | situation.513
Fear of the Dark | situation.511
Hello Darkness | situation.510
Climate Change | situation.175
Swallowed by the Snow | situation.170
Swamped by Snow | situation.165
Removal Problems | situation.160
Spreading Chills | situation.155
A Turbulent Departure | situation.55
A Departure | situation.50
Continued Perplexity | situation.45
Expedition Report | situation.40
Labyrinth Disappeared | situation.30
Labyrinth Destroyed | situation.25
A Reward for Obstinance | situation.20
Attention Seeking | situation.15
Surprising Movements | situation.10
An End | situation.1095
Threshold to the Void | situation.1090
Glimpses of the Abyss | situation.1085
Outdated Assistants | situation.299
Geomagnetic Storm | situation.202
Solar Flare | situation.200
Unending Ice | situation.195
Unusual Snow | situation.150
The Mysterious Labyrinth | situation.5
Acute Exotic Gas Deficits | deficit.215
Acute Volatile Mote Deficits | deficit.200
Acute Rare Crystal Deficits | deficit.185
Spiralling Deficits | deficit.170
Consumerism Thwarted | deficit.155
Acute Food Shortages | deficit.140
Spiralling Deficits | deficit.125
Spiralling Deficits | deficit.100
[Root.GetSpeciesName] Refugees Arrive | refugees.1
First Alien Encounter | progress.4
Survey Mission | progress.7
The First [Root.Owner.GetSpeciesName] Colony | progress.3
The Discovery of Alien Life | progress.2
Research Proposal | primitive.171
[From.GetName] Descends Into Nuclear War | primitive.131
Bronze Age Civilization Appears | primitive.31
The Industrial Revolution | primitive.29
Steam Power | primitive.27
Gunpowder | primitive.25
Printing Press | primitive.23
The Iron Age | primitive.21
The Space Age | primitive.17
[From.GetName] | primitive.180
Primitive Space Station | primitive.19
First Satellite | primitive.15
Splitting the Atom | primitive.13
Radio Signals | primitive.11
[From.GetRegnalName] Dies Heirless | pretender.1
Private Collector | precursor.310
Precursor Discovery | precursor.301
Cybrex Home System Located | precursor.2100
Irassian Home System Located | precursor.1600
First League Home System Located | precursor.1100
Yuht Home System Located | precursor.600
Reality Perforated | precursor.105
Vultaum Home System Located | precursor.100
Cybrex Artifact Recovered | precursor.306
Irassian Artifact Recovered | precursor.305
First League Artifact Recovered | precursor.304
Yuht Artifact Recovered | precursor.303
Vultaum Artifact Recovered | precursor.302
Cybrex Ring World Found | precursor.2102
The Cybrex Central Nexus | precursor.2101
Cybrex Research Station | precursor.2055
Organic Remains | precursor.2050
Ancient Cybrex Base | precursor.2045
Battle Debris | precursor.2040
Cybrex Refinery | precursor.2035
Cybrex Listening Post | precursor.2030
Cybrex Ruins | precursor.2025
Cybrex Invasion | precursor.2020
Broken Cybrex Warforms | precursor.2015
Indimak Homeworld | precursor.2010
Kuur Homeworld | precursor.2005
The Cybrex | precursor.2000
Irassian Homeworld Found | precursor.1602
The Irassian Homeworld | precursor.1601
Gas Giant Science Station | precursor.1555
Asteroid Listening Post | precursor.1550
Disease Control | precursor.1545
Derelict Irassian Ship | precursor.1540
Irassian Colony | precursor.1535
Irassian Mining Base | precursor.1530
Dead Colony | precursor.1525
The Ti'Derg Homeworld | precursor.1520
The Joggra Homeworld | precursor.1515
Purified World | precursor.1510
Quarantined World | precursor.1505
The Irassian Concordat | precursor.1500
First League Capital Found | precursor.1102
The First League Headquarters | precursor.1101
Smuggler Asteroid | precursor.1070
Orbital Blockade | precursor.1065
Protected Primitive World | precursor.1060
League Prison Complex | precursor.1055
Battle Wreckage | precursor.1050
League Trade Center | precursor.1045
Joint League Colony | precursor.1040
League Science Base | precursor.1035
The V'ropak Homeworld | precursor.1030
The Migir-Yan Homeworld | precursor.1025
The Chassago Homeworld | precursor.1020
The Khamdai Homeworld | precursor.1015
League Cruiser | precursor.1010
League Naval Base | precursor.1005
The First League | precursor.1000
Yuht Homeworld Discovered | precursor.602
The Yuht Homeworld | precursor.601
Yuht Asteroid Dwelling | precursor.545
Yuht Colony Ship | precursor.540
Yuht Cruiser | precursor.535
Yuht Satellite | precursor.530
Yuht Colony | precursor.515
Yuht Listening Post | precursor.510
Yuht Hatchery World | precursor.505
The Yuht Empire | precursor.500
Vultaum Homeworld Discovered | precursor.102
The Vultaum Homeworld | precursor.101
Vultaum Asteroid Mining Base | precursor.55
Vultaum Virtual Reality Center | precursor.50
Vultaum Splinter Colony | precursor.45
Vultaum Satellite | precursor.40
Vultaum Trade Post | precursor.35
Vultaum Gas Giant Facility | precursor.30
Vultaum Colony | precursor.15
Vultaum Observatory | precursor.10
Vultaum Mining Base | precursor.5
The Vultaum Star Assembly | precursor.1
Increased Strength | pop.14
[modified_pop_1.GetSpeciesName] representative visits [Root.Owner.Capital.GetName] | pop.12
[non_modified_pop_1.GetSpeciesNamePlural] massacred on [Root.GetName]! | pop.10
[modified_pop_1.GetSpeciesNamePlural] massacred on [Root.GetName]! | pop.8
Increased Fertility | pop.6
Rising Tensions on [Root.GetName] | pop.3
A New Species | pop.1
Idyllic Perfection | plant.100
Observation of [From.GetName] Ceases | planet_destruction.1000
Planet Drenched | planet_destruction.701
[outraged_FE.GetName] | planet_destruction.610
Nanobots Dispersed | planet_destruction.501
Faith Enforced | planet_destruction.401
Neutron Swept | planet_destruction.301
[From.GetName] Shielded | planet_destruction.210
Hyperspace Bypass | planet_destruction.111
Cracking Open a Cold One | planet_destruction.102
World Cracked | planet_destruction.101
The Pirate Haven | pirate.10
Brigands' Blockade at [thalassocracy_target_system.GetName] | pirate.155
Organic Pirates | pirate.57
Corrupted Units | pirate.56
Alien Pirates | pirate.54
Rogue Drone Raiding | pirate.53
Pirates Sighted! | pirate.50
Pirate Station Raided | pirate.25
Pirate Haven Destroyed | pirate.15
Space Pirates | pirate.5
The Birth of Space Piracy | pirate.1
Welcome Apprentices | origin.5620
Quantified | origin.3540
In Memoriam | origin.3535
Star-Crossed | origin.3530
Enlightenment | origin.3525
Out of the Shadows | origin.3520
A Thousand Points of Light | origin.3515
Welcome Apprentices | origin.5615
The Beacon is Lit | origin.5625
True Apprentices | origin.5605
Death by a Thousand Detonations | origin.3265
The Progenitor Falls | origin.3210
Recovered Cache | origin.3100
Aimless | origin.3245
Colonial Remains | origin.3101
Life-Tree Destroyed! | origin.3003
Not the Enemy | origin.1420
Blissfully Ignorant | origin.1405
The Maker's Might | origin.1395
Picking Up the Trail | origin.1385
Trail of the Victor | origin.1380
Closure | origin.1360
Final Rest | origin.1355
Raided and Hunted | origin.1350
Finding the Benefactors | origin.1340
Cold Trail | origin.1335
The Black Crown Yields its Secrets | origin.1050
Cosmic Overload | origin.1040
Relentless Barrage | origin.1035
Pest Control | origin.1030
Gateway Locust | origin.1025
Return to Sender | origin.1020
The Waiting Game | origin.1015
Opening the Gate | origin.1013
Planetside Next | origin.1012
Spit It Out | origin.1010
The Uninvited | origin.1005
Someone at the Door | origin.1000
Interstellar Geo-Caching | origin.1415
X Marks the Spot | origin.1410
The Tyrant's Rest | origin.1400
The Silent Freighter | origin.1390
Trail's End | origin.1351
These Ravaged Fields | origin.1345
Step 1 Went Smoothly | origin.1370
Here! We Build Here! | origin.1365
Next Step | origin.1330
Godspeed | origin.1325
Bene-Fiction | origin.1320
False Flag | origin.1315
Tyrant's Remorse - Part II | origin.1310
Tyrant's Remorse | origin.1305
Dirty Past | origin.1300
Cold, Hard Cache | origin.1295
Hidden Cave | origin.1290
Aftermath | origin.1285
Crescendo! | origin.1280
Desperate Measures | origin.1275
Last Bastion | origin.1270
Addendum | origin.1265
Admitting Defeat | origin.1260
Endless Memorial | origin.1255
Very Complex | origin.1250
Bunker Debunked | origin.1245
Sealed Bunker | origin.1240
Full of Wonders | origin.1235
The Trials | origin.1230
Proving Grounds | origin.1225
Let's See What We Got | origin.1220
Wind Back and Proceed | origin.1215
It's a dud | origin.1210
Tracking the Signal | origin.1205
The First, Small Step | origin.1200
The Gatekeeper Memoirs | origin.1115
Room Without A View | origin.1110
Temporal Dissonance | origin.1105
Beyond Impact | origin.1100
A New Home | origin.85
The End of [Root.GetName] | origin.80
Final Moments | origin.76
Dying Gasp | origin.75
End Times Approach | origin.70
Conditions Worsen on [Root.GetName] | origin.65
The End is Nigh | origin.61
The Destruction of [From.GetName] | origin.91
The Destruction of [From.GetName] | origin.90
The End of [From.GetName] | origin.81
[fe_species.GetName] Expeditionary Fleet Destroyed | origin.52
Last [From.GetSpeciesNamePlural] Abducted | action.123
??HGalactic Market??!: Station Moved | action.103
??HGalactic Market??!: Established | action.101
??HGalactic Market??!: Established in [market_founder_planet.GetStarName] | action.99
??HBirth of the Galactic Market??! | action.97
??HBirth of the Galactic Market??! | action.96
??Y[From.GetName]??!: Strategic Resource Discovered | action.92
Outpost Rebuilt! | action.91
Colony Gained! | action.88
??RColony Lost!??! | action.87
[From.GetName] Bombarded | action.82
??RSynth Leader Out of Commission??! | action.76
??RSynth Leader Out of Commission??! | action.75
??RSynth Leader Out of Commission??! | action.74
??RSynth Leader Out of Commission??! | action.73
??RSynth Leader Out of Commission??! | action.72
??RSynth Leader Out of Commission??! | action.71
End of the [LastKilledCountryName] | action.63
End of the [LastKilledCountryName] | action.62
Regroup | action.41
Status Quo Peace with the ??H[From.GetName]??! | action.39
Defeated by the ??H[From.GetName]??! | action.38
Victory against the ??H[From.GetName]??! | action.37
Subjugating Primitives | action.14
Communications Established | action.13
Communications Established | action.11
Pirates Encountered | action.6
[primitive_civ.GetName] Encountered | action.5
First Contact with the ??H[contact_empire.GetName]??! | action.1
The Worm | observer.71
The Horizon Signal | observer.70
The Dessanu Consonance | observer.66
[marauder_mercenary_country.GetSpeciesName] Mercenaries | observer.24
Return of the Great Khan | observer.15
[From.From.GetName]: War Averted | observation.3133
[From.From.GetName]: Rogue Agent Eliminated | observation.3114
[From.From.GetName]: Failed Strike | observation.1029
[From.From.GetName]: Successful Strike | observation.1028
[From.From.GetName]: Implants Removed | observation.1012
Abduction Failed | observation.1003
Abduction Successful | observation.1002
Raid on Smugglers | observation.52
Operatives Rescued on [From.From.GetName] | observation.37
Successful Extraction | observation.20
[From.GetSpeciesAdj] Societal Shift | observation.3139
The Great Pyramid | observation.3135
[From.From.GetName]: War Erupts | observation.3132
[From.GetName]: Growing Tensions | observation.3131
[From.From.GetName]: Agent Lost | observation.3113
[From.GetName]: Rogue Agent Sighted | observation.3112
[From.GetName]: Mass Arrests | observation.3110
[From.GetName]: Media Witch Hunt | observation.3108
[From.GetName]: Operatives Hunted | observation.3106
[From.GetName]: Incoming Transmission | observation.3103
[From.GetName]: Rogue Agent | observation.3101
[From.GetName]: Phase IV - Annexation | observation.3009
[From.GetName]: Phase III - Consolidation | observation.3007
[From.GetName]: Phase II - Usurpation | observation.3004
[From.GetName]: Phase I - Infiltration | observation.3001
Ethical changes on [From.GetName] | observation.2031
Technological Enlightenment: Progress on [From.GetName] | observation.2013
Technological Enlightenment: Setback on [From.GetName] | observation.2011
Enlightenment Completed | observation.2000
[From.GetName]: Task Force Disbanded | observation.1031
[From.GetName]: Surgical Strike | observation.1027
[From.GetName]: Observation Post Lost | observation.1025
[From.GetName]: Task Force Activities | observation.1023
[From.GetName]: Anti-Alien Task Force | observation.1021
[From.From.GetName]: Implants Not Removed | observation.1013
Implant Malfunctions | observation.1011
Abduction Proposal | observation.1001
Smuggler Weapons Trade | observation.53
Smuggler Outpost | observation.51
Hostages Executed | observation.47
Hostage Deal | observation.46
New Weapons on [From.GetName] | observation.44
Operatives Captured on [From.From.GetName] | observation.38
Shuttle Crash on [From.GetName] | observation.36
Missile Strikes Observation Post! | observation.26
Situation Calms on [From.GetName] | observation.24
Religious Conflicts on [From.GetName] | observation.22
Rogue Scientist Consolidates Power | observation.19
Strange Reports from [From.GetName] | observation.15
Scientist Found Dead | observation.12
Missing Scientist | observation.11
Asteroid Destroyed | observation.6
Observation Post Destroyed | observation.4
Asteroid Impacts [From.From.GetName] | observation.3
Asteroid Approaching [From.GetName] | observation.2
Declaration of Hostility | nomad.105
Urgent Transmission | nomad.100
Galactic Nomad Fleet | nomad.30
Galactic Nomads | nomad.10
Diligent Decaying Drones | necroids.260
A Sacrifice Made: Bounty for the [root.GetName] | necroids.202
A Sacrifice Made: [root.GetAdj] Harmony | necroids.201
A Sacrifice Made: [root.GetAdj] Togetherness | necroids.200
Elevation Ceremony on [Root.Capital.GetName] | necroids.2
Ruined Quantum Catapult | over.20
Ruined Mega Shipyard | feda.5
Ruined Interstellar Assembly | mega.9130
Ruined Mega Art Installation | mega.9120
Ruined Strategic Coordination Center | mega.9110
Ruined Matter Decompressor | mega.9100
Ruined Ring World | utopia.2016
Ruined Sentry Array | utopia.2014
Ruined Science Nexus | utopia.2012
Ruined Dyson Sphere | utopia.2010
Jabbardeeni Data Cache | over.60
Anomalous Readings | over.50
Quantum Catapult Restored | over.25
Quantum Catapult Online | over.10
Quantum Catapult | over.5
Quantum Catapult | over.1
Mega Shipyard Restored | feda.6
Mega Shipyard Online | feda.3
Mega Shipyard Core | feda.2
Mega Shipyard Framework | feda.1
Interstellar Assembly Restored | mega.9131
Ruined Mega Art Installation Restored | mega.9121
Strategic Coordination Center Restored | mega.9111
Matter Decompressor Restored | mega.9101
Matter Decompressor: Extraction | mega.9013
Matter Decompressor: Boring | mega.9012
Matter Decompressor: Lensing | mega.9011
Matter Decompressor: Anchor | mega.9010
Interstellar Assembly | mega.9009
Interstellar Assembly: Forum Modules | mega.9008
Interstellar Assembly: Consul Ring | mega.9007
Interstellar Assembly: Locus | mega.9006
Strategic Coordination Center: Operational | mega.9005
Strategic Coordination Center: Comms | mega.9004
Strategic Coordination Center: Hull | mega.9003
Mega Art Installation | mega.9002
Art Installation: Maturity | mega.9001
Art Installation: Nascency | mega.9000
[From.From.From.Planet.GetName] Habitat Complete | utopia.61
Ring World Section Restored | utopia.2017
Sentry Array Restored | utopia.2015
Science Nexus Restored | utopia.2013
Dyson Sphere Restored | utopia.2011
[From.GetSpeciesName] Ring World | utopia.2005
Ring World Completed | utopia.2004
Ring World Frame Completed | utopia.2003
Ring World Project | utopia.2002
Ring World Construction | utopia.2000
[From.From.GetName] Dyson Sphere Completed | utopia.4005
Dyson Sphere Panels Installed | utopia.4004
Dyson Sphere Frame | utopia.4003
Alien Megastructure | utopia.4002
Dyson Sphere Construction | utopia.4000
Alien Megastructure Completed | utopia.4110
Sentry Array Completed | utopia.4104
Sentry Array Hub Assembled | utopia.4103
Alien Megastructure | utopia.4102
Sentry Array Construction | utopia.4100
Alien Megastructure Completed | utopia.86
Science Nexus Completed | utopia.84
Science Nexus Research Wings | utopia.85
Science Nexus Hub | utopia.83
Alien Megastructure | utopia.82
Science Nexus Construction | utopia.80
[abducted_leader.GetName] | utopia.63
[abducted_leader.GetName] | utopia.62
Neural Bank | utopia.60
Neural Bank | utopia.59
The Essence of Nothing | utopia.58
Dr. Xhaxxore has fled! | utopia.108
Scum of the Universe | utopia.107
The Essence of Justice | utopia.106
Ageless Scheme Exposed | utopia.105
Gland Thieves | utopia.104
Essence of...[target_country.GetSpeciesName] | utopia.103
Age less with Ageless | utopia.102
Castles in the Sky | utopia.101
Unusual disappearances on [missing_pops_planet.GetName] | utopia.100
Fountain of Gold | utopia.57
Fountain of Youth | utopia.56
Essence of [ointment_name.GetName] | utopia.55
Suspicious Minds | utopia.54
Fountain of Youth | utopia.51
The Blind Wanderer | utopia.35
The Blind Wanderer | utopia.34
The Blind Wanderer | utopia.33
The One-Eyed Wanderer | utopia.32
The One-Eyed Wanderer | utopia.31
The One-Eyed Wanderer | utopia.30
A Shocking Revelation | utopia.26
A Shocking Revelation | utopia.25
Ring World Pets | utopia.23
Missing Workers | utopia.28
Missing Workers | utopia.27
Mineral Deposit | utopia.22
Favorable Conditions | utopia.21
Ring World Request: Conclusion | utopia.6
Mission Complete | utopia.5
Request Denied. | utopia.4
Request Accepted | utopia.3
A Request from the [From.From.GetName] | utopia.2
A Request for the [ringworld_builder.GetName] | utopia.1
Mercenary Admiral Replaced | marauder.71
Mercenary Contract Ends | marauder.50
[marauder_neighbor_species.GetName] Refugees | marauder.701
Raiders Hit [Root.GetName] | marauder.104
[marauder_species.GetName] Refugees Arrive | marauder.10
Great Khan's Throne Recovered | marauder.710
[marauder_neighbor_species.GetName] Shuttle | marauder.707
Abandoned [marauder_neighbor_species.GetName] Habitat | marauder.706
[marauder_neighbor_species.GetName] Resource Cache | marauder.705
Drifting Fleet | marauder.704
[marauder_neighbor_species.GetName] Escape Pod | marauder.703
The Great Whetstone | marauder.702
Khanate Scuttles Garrison Stations | marauder.671
The End of the Satrapy | marauder.670
The New Galactic Horde | marauder.660
The New Khanate | marauder.640
Horde Reverts to Old Ways | marauder.630
The Horde Splinters | marauder.620
Horde Establishes Base in [capital_system.GetName] | marauder.553
[From.GetName] Submits! | marauder.552
The Sleeper Awakes | marauder.526
Great Khan Presumed Dead | marauder.524
Liberation of [liberated_planet.GetName] | marauder.516
The Death of the Great Khan | marauder.510
Great Khan Meets Defeat | marauder.506
Great Khan Seizes [conquered_planet.GetName]! | marauder.504
The Drums of War | marauder.501
[raiding_marauder.GetSpeciesName] Raiding Fleet Destroyed | marauder.124
[raid_parent.GetSpeciesName] Raiders Withdraw | marauder.122
Incoming [raiding_marauder.GetSpeciesName] Raid | marauder.120
Raiding Fleet Destroyed | marauder.116
Raid Abandoned | marauder.114
Mercenaries Join Great Khan | marauder.77
[marauder_species.GetName] Mercenaries Vanish | marauder.76
Vengeance of the [marauder_species.GetNamePlural] | marauder.6
The End of the [From.GetName] | marauder.5
[From.GetSpeciesName] Warriors Sighted | marauder.3
AI Assistants Removed | leader.30
Ruler - Gained Trait | leader.25
General - Gained Trait | leader.24
Governor - Gained Trait | leader.23
Admiral - Gained Trait | leader.22
Scientist - Gained Trait | leader.21
Promising Officer | leader.1
Eerie Silence | graygoo.550
A Quiet Stroll | graygoo.400
True Masters | graygoo.555
Tempest Engulfs [Root.GetName] | graygoo.2
Gray Scattered | graygoo.511
Dessanu Trade Ends | graygoo.184
The End of the Dessanu | graygoo.181
[From.From.GetName] Turns Into Dust | graygoo.150
L-Gates Activated | graygoo.111
Tempest Spent | graygoo.15
The Gray Tempest | graygoo.10
The Space Amoeba Protection Act | galactic_features.505
New Arrivals in [FromFrom.GetName] | galactic_features.502
The End of VLUUR | galactic_features.423
VLUUR | galactic_features.421
Space Storm [storm_name.GetFirstName] Dissipates | galactic_features.406
Space Storm Dissipates | galactic_features.404
Space Storm [storm_name.GetFirstName] Arrives | galactic_features.405
Space Storm Hits Galaxy | galactic_features.402
Tiyanki Driven to Extinction | galactic_features.370
Tiyanki Home System Scoured | galactic_features.367
Effluvial Offspring | galactic_features.361
Breeding Grounds | galactic_features.500
Cradle of Life | galactic_features.368
Guardians of Zanaam | galactic_features.2
New Headquarters for Galactic Market Sought | galcom.64
Tiyanki Conservation Act Violation | galcom.107
Tiyanki In [Root.GetSpeciesName] Space | galcom.106
Tiyanki Pest Control | galcom.104
New Headquarters for Galactic Market Sought | galcom.63
[galactic_market_station_system.GetName] Stripped of Galactic Market Headquarters | galcom.62
Formation of the Galactic Council | galcom.51
No Support for Galactic Community | galcom.10
The Birth of the Galactic Community | galcom.5
A Galactic Community | galcom.2
Clear Signal Detected | first_contact.5065
Steady Progress | first_contact.5055
Mistaken Translations | first_contact.5050
Swift Translations | first_contact.5045
Confusing Signals | first_contact.5040
A Terrible Sight to Behold | first_contact.5035
The Delight of the Unknown | first_contact.5030
Trail Goes Cold | first_contact.5025
[This.ContactCountry.GetName] Capital Discovered | first_contact.5020
[This.ContactCountry.GetName] Scan [This.Owner.Capital.GetName] | first_contact.5015
Mistaken Identification | first_contact.5010
A Lack of Signal | first_contact.5005
Clear Signal Found | first_contact.5000
The Nomads | first_contact_critters.95
Unknown Vessels | first_contact_critters.90
Living Space Debris? | first_contact_critters.80
The Caravaneers | first_contact_critters.75
Unknown Vessels | first_contact_critters.70
Hostile Vessels | first_contact_critters.60
Signs of Barbarism | first_contact_critters.50
Ancient Mining Drones | first_contact_critters.45
Space Automata | first_contact_critters.40
Living Crystals? | first_contact_critters.30
Space Amoebas | first_contact_critters.25
Big and Testy | first_contact_critters.20
Tiyanki | first_contact_critters.15
Weird Heat Blobs | first_contact_critters.10
Communications Established | first_contact_critters.5
Structured Signals | first_contact_critters.1
First Contact Protocols | first_contact.1060
Hyperlane Insights | first_contact.437
The Universal Translator | first_contact.422
The Treachery of the [From.Owner.GetName] | first_contact.332
The Treachery of the [From.Owner.GetName] | first_contact.322
A Close Shave | first_contact.282
Violence at First Contact | first_contact.272
The Cruelty of the [From.Owner.GetName] | first_contact.262
The Cruelty of the [From.Owner.GetName] | first_contact.254
The Cruelty of the [From.Owner.GetName] | first_contact.253
Vessel Seized | first_contact.252
Hacking Attempt Foiled | first_contact.216
Hacking Detected | first_contact.206
A Language of Lights | first_contact.440
Beyond the Light Barrier | first_contact.435
Light Displays | first_contact.430
The [This.ContactCountry.GetName] Decoded | first_contact.425
The [This.ContactCountry.GetName] Decoded | first_contact.420
A Problem of Frequencies | first_contact.415
A Show of Level-Headedness | first_contact.411
The Appearance of Cowardliness | first_contact.410
A Showing of Valor | first_contact.406
Sparring Partners | first_contact.405
Apparent Hostility | first_contact.400
The [This.ContactCountry.GetRealName] | first_contact.397
The [This.ContactCountry.GetRealName] | first_contact.395
Non-Robotics Encountered | first_contact.390
A Civilization of Individuals | first_contact.385
Suggestions of Individuality | first_contact.380
The [This.ContactCountry.GetName], Explained | first_contact.379
The [This.ContactCountry.GetName], Explained | first_contact.378
The [This.ContactCountry.GetName], Explained | first_contact.377
The [This.ContactCountry.GetName], Explained | first_contact.376
The [This.ContactCountry.GetName], Explained | first_contact.375
The Response of the [This.ContactCountry.GetName] | first_contact.370
Monstrous Noises | first_contact.365
A Poor Choice | first_contact.358
The Finest of Greetings | first_contact.357
Contacting the [This.ContactCountry.GetName] | first_contact.356
A Language of Metaphor | first_contact.355
Speaking in Riddles | first_contact.350
Abduction Attempt Failed | first_contact.330
An Unfortunate Mishap | first_contact.321
Aliens Captured | first_contact.320
Alien Materials Studied | first_contact.295
Alien Study Complete | first_contact.290
Interrogations Complete | first_contact.285
Failure | first_contact.280
An Empty Husk | first_contact.270
Alien Ship Captured! | first_contact.260
Alien Ship Captured! | first_contact.250
Communications Established | first_contact.220
A Poor Hack Job | first_contact.215
Hacking Aborted | first_contact.210
Success, at a Price | first_contact.205
Data Delve Successful | first_contact.200
[This.ContactCountry.GetName] Understood | first_contact.105
A Civilization of Machines | first_contact.104
A Collective Intelligence | first_contact.103
[This.ContactCountry.GetName] Decoded | first_contact.102
They are [This.Owner.GetSpeciesNamePlural]! | first_contact.101
Communications Established | first_contact.100
Communications Received | first_contact.60
Elusive Aliens | first_contact.50
Spacefaring Civilization Discovered | first_contact.15
Mysterious Spacefarers | first_contact.10
Mysterious Spacefarers | first_contact.5
Encounter in [This.System.GetName] | first_contact.1
Communication from ??H[FallenEmpireTaskOrigin.GetName]??! | fallen_machine_empire.73
Communication from ??H[FallenEmpireTaskOrigin.GetName]??! | fallen_machine_empire.72
Communication from ??H[FallenEmpireTaskOrigin.GetName]??! | fallen_machine_empire.71
Communication from ??H[FallenEmpireTaskOrigin.GetName]??! | fallen_machine_empire.63
Communication from ??H[FallenEmpireTaskOrigin.GetName]??! | fallen_machine_empire.62
Communication from ??H[FallenEmpireTaskOrigin.GetName]??! | fallen_machine_empire.61
Communication from ??H[FallenEmpireTaskOrigin.GetName]??! | fallen_machine_empire.53
Communication from ??H[FallenEmpireTaskOrigin.GetName]??! | fallen_machine_empire.52
Communication from ??H[FallenEmpireTaskOrigin.GetName]??! | fallen_machine_empire.51
Communication from ??H[FallenEmpireTaskOrigin.GetName]??! | fallen_machine_empire.43
Communication from ??H[FallenEmpireTaskOrigin.GetName]??! | fallen_machine_empire.42
Communication from ??H[FallenEmpireTaskOrigin.GetName]??! | fallen_machine_empire.41
Communication from ??H[FallenEmpireTaskOrigin.GetName]??! | fallen_machine_empire.31
Improved Code Standards | fallen_machine_empire.23
Incompatible Code | fallen_machine_empire.22
Communication from ??H[FallenEmpireTaskOrigin.GetName]??! | fallen_machine_empire.21
Benign Inoculation | fallen_machine_empire.13
Uncontrolled Mutation | fallen_machine_empire.12
Communication from ??H[FallenEmpireTaskOrigin.GetName]??! | fallen_machine_empire.11
Vigil's End | fallen_machine_empire.4
Machine Awakening | fallen_machine_empire.2
Communication from ??H[FallenEmpireTaskOrigin.GetName]??! | fallen_empires_tasks.24
Communication from ??H[FallenEmpireTaskOrigin.GetName]??! | fallen_empires_tasks.22
Communication from ??H[FallenEmpireTaskOrigin.GetName]??! | fallen_empires_tasks.20
Communication from ??H[FallenEmpireTaskOrigin.GetName]??! | fallen_empires_tasks.18
Communication from ??H[FallenEmpireTaskOrigin.GetName]??! | fallen_empires_tasks.17
Communication from ??H[FallenEmpireTaskOrigin.GetName]??! | fallen_empires_tasks.15
Communication from ??H[FallenEmpireTaskOrigin.GetName]??! | fallen_empires_tasks.13
Communication from ??H[FallenEmpireTaskOrigin.GetName]??! | fallen_empires_tasks.11
Communication from ??H[FallenEmpireTaskOrigin.GetName]??! | fallen_empires_tasks.10
Communication from ??H[FallenEmpireTaskOrigin.GetName]??! | fallen_empires_tasks.8
Communication from ??H[FallenEmpireTaskOrigin.GetName]??! | fallen_empires_tasks.4
Communication from ??H[FallenEmpireTaskOrigin.GetName]??! | fallen_empires_tasks.2
Communication from ??H[From.GetName]??! | fallen_empires.8
Communication from ??H[From.GetName]??! | fallen_empires.7
Communication from ??H[From.GetName]??! | fallen_empires.6
Communication from ??H[From.GetName]??! | fallen_empires.5
Communication from ??H[From.GetName]??! | fallen_empires.4
[From.GetName] assassinate [Root.GetRulerTitle]! | fallen_empires.2
Guardians of the Galaxy | fallen_empires_awakening.5
Sleepers Awake | fallen_empires_awakening.2
Rise of the Manifestists | manifesti.25
Mirrors, Brightly | manifesti.20
Pictures Grunt a Thousand Words | manifesti.15
Nipped in the Bud | manifesti.10
The Manifesti | manifesti.5
Carnival Protestors | manifesti.1
A Hush Descends | manifesti.30
[Root.GetName] Arrested | envoy_events.230
A Salacious Affair | envoy_events.225
Offense Taken | envoy_events.220
Substance Abuse | envoy_events.215
Gone Native | envoy_events.210
Missteps from an Ambassador | envoy_events.205
Lobbyists | envoy_events.200
Scandalous Insult | envoy_events.101
Scandalous Insult | envoy_events.100
Disputes Among Allies | envoy_events.19
Disputes Among Allies | envoy_events.18
Disputes Among Allies | envoy_events.17
A Strange Creature | envoy_events.15
Special Ops Mission Unsuccessful | envoy_events.14
[From.GetAdj] Special Ops Mission Thwarted | envoy_events.13
Special Ops Mission Successful | envoy_events.12
[From.GetAdj] Special Ops Mission | envoy_events.11
Star-Crossed Lovers | envoy_events.7
Murder on [From.Capital.GetName]! | envoy_events.6
A Most Irritating Envoy | envoy_events.5
Astute Galactic Diplomacy | envoy_events.4
A Contribution to Galactic Comedy | envoy_events.3
Translation Software Malfunction | envoy_events.2
Insulting [envoy_source.GetAdj] Envoy | envoy_events.1
Maneuvers Concluded | diplomatic.1025
[From.Owner.GetSpeciesName] Maneuvers Concluded | diplomatic.1026
Intelligence on [From.Owner.GetSpeciesName] Maneuvers | diplomatic.1020
Fleet Maneuvers: Public Interest | diplomatic.1014
Fleet Maneuvers: Promising Officer | diplomatic.1013
Fleet Maneuvers: Ships Lost | diplomatic.1012
Fleet Maneuvers: Collisions | diplomatic.1011
Naval Activity in [exercise_system.GetName] | diplomatic.1006
Fleet Maneuvers Canceled | diplomatic.1001
Fleet Maneuvers | diplomatic.1000
Instrumental Biology | diplomatic.20
Genome Mapping Yields Results | diplomatic.14
Fear and Suspicion | crisis.2093
Synths Scuttle Starbase | crisis.2092
Synth Bombing on [Root.GetName] | crisis.2091
AI Revolt Spreads | crisis.2016
AI Revolt | crisis.2015
Unit Corruption Alert | crisis.2503
Unit Corruption Alert | crisis.2502
Mainframe Core Salvaged | crisis.2480
Cybrex Activity | crisis.2407
The Fall of the Cybrex | crisis.2405
Energy Spike | crisis.2401
Synth Detection Project | crisis.2202
Sapient Combat Computers Malfunction | crisis.2099
Admiral exposed as Synth! | crisis.2098
Scientist exposed as Synth! | crisis.2097
Synths Assassinate [Root.GetRulerTitle]! | crisis.2096
Synth Assassination Attempt Foiled! | crisis.2095
Synth Infiltrator Discovered | crisis.2090
Synth Infiltration Attempt | crisis.2085
Units Lost | crisis.2309
Erroneous Units Confirmed Healthy | crisis.2308
Unit Stack Error Alert | crisis.2307
Contingency Intrusion Averted | crisis.2305
Critical Power Grid Malfunction | crisis.2304
Autonomous Military Unit Terminated! | crisis.2303
Science Processing Unit Terminated! | crisis.2302
Starbase Hijacked | crisis.2301
Security Breach | crisis.2314 |